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Get to know us

Willamette Valley Christian School began as a church ministry in 1967 in Woodburn, Oregon. Today it is a non-denominational ministry serving the Christian community of Oregon's
Mid-Willamette Valley. WVCS offers preschool, elementary and secondary grade levels.
We provide students with a Christ-centered education building on high academic standards. Willamette Valley Christian School allows Christ to redeem and transform the school body. Its goal is to model Christ in all that is done and to train and equip students for life.


Professionally trained, certified and experienced teachers serve as academic leaders and role models engaging students to develop higher-level thinking skills. Small class sizes allow teachers to get to know students deeply. WVCS is an accredited school that offers college concurrent credited classes. We've created an environment for students that enables them to achieve their highest potential.
Willamette Valley Christian School is a supportive community where students are accepted and families are known. WVCS partners with parents to encourage students to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. WVCS is an extension of the Christian home and the church.


At Willamette Valley Christian School our activites and sports programs teach perseverance, self-control and fair play. In addition, WVCS offers art, worship team, drama, high school Washington DC trips and Mexico Mission trips, annual middle school and high school retreats as well as many other activities. As ambassadors for Christ, participants focus on supporting, accepting and encouraging each other.
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